Hotels in Bhutan

Where Tradition Meets Comfort

Most of hotels in Bhutan offer a delightful blend of tradition and modern comfort. Many hotels in Bhutan are designed to reflect the traditional Bhutanese architectural style, which features intricate woodwork, colorful paintings, and stunning views of the surrounding mountains. You can immerse yourself in the local culture even while enjoying modern amenities like comfortable beds, clean facilities, and excellent service.

Moreover, Bhutan’s commitment to sustainable tourism extends to its hotels. You’ll find many of them actively engage in eco-friendly practices, such as energy conservation, waste management, and sourcing local, organic ingredients for their cuisine. Staying in these hotels allows you to minimize your impact on Bhutan’s pristine environment while enjoying the natural beauty it has to offer.

Whether you choose a cozy guesthouse in a remote village or a luxury hotel in the capital city of Thimphu, you’ll find that Bhutan’s hotels offer a unique blend of tradition and comfort.

Hotels in Bhutan


Hotels in Thimphu


Hotels in Paro

Wangduephodrang Dzong

Hotels in Wangduephodrang

Punakha Dzong

Hotels in Punakha

Bhutan Gate in Phuentsholing, Chhukha

Hotels in Chhukha

Haa Valley

Hotels in Haa

Central Bhutan

Hotels in Trongsa

Jakar dzong in Bumthang

Hotels in Bumthang

Mongar Dzong

Hotels in Mongar

Eastern Bhutan

Hotels in Lhuentse

Hotels in Trashigang

Hotels in Trashiyangtse

Hotels in Trashiyangtse

Gasa Dzong

Hotels in Gasa

Hotels in Samdrupjongkhar

Hotels in Samdrupjongkhar

Dagana Dzong

Hotels in Dagana

Zhemgang Dzong

Hotels in Zhemgang

Hotels in Tsirang

Hotels in Tsirang

Hotels in Sarpang

Hotels in Sarpang

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